Sei Hong Cheng: Journey Forward
“There is a destination but no way there; what we refer to as way is hesitation.”
— Franz Kafka, The Zürau Aphorisms
Stairs (2019)
Vienna, Austria
“I was lost. I was lost in my life. One day, I ran to the other end of the world—south of the border of Taiwan. That day, there was a raging storm: a ship was passing through the Pacific Ocean and the Bashi Channel. Compared to the boundless sea, the giant ship couldn't compete. But the ship didn’t take notice and moved slowly forward to its destination.
Friction comes from uncertainty and hesitation. The choice that we face is whether to accept and experience it or to avoid it. The only way to find the right direction is to crawl on all fours, silently.”
—Sei Hong Cheng
Birds on Wires (2016)
Kenting Street, Taiwan
Emptiness (2017)
Ibusuki, Japan
On the Road (2017)
Kagoshima, Japan
Maboroshi (2016)
Dazaifu, Japan
South of the Border (2016)
Tainan, Taiwan
Sei Hong Cheng is a photographer and an award-winning filmmaker based in Hong Kong and London. He believes that life is like a journey, and what makes it remarkable are those pieces and fragments that come without notice. You can follow his work on