Issue 14: The Sea Review Film Review | Petit Maman (2021) Playing in a Sea of Grief “Sciamma dares the film’s viewers to recall their own childhoods and identify pivotal moments of confrontation with adult matters, such as death, grief, and the reality that parents have human flaws and vulnerabilities.”By Nick Sansone Film Review | All Blood is Black: The Violent Beauty of Titane (2021) “[F]or all of its brutality and formal simplicity, there lies a romance that I find quite endearing.”By Trevor Ruth Book Review | Exploring the Neurodiverse Voice: A Review of Convenience Store Woman (2016) “It’s a wonderful stroke of ingenuity to craft a novel in which the protagonist is embroiled in a kind of conflict that they are incapable of understanding.”By Alecsander S. Zapata Book Review | The Lost Shoreline: Epistemology and Experience in Wave Says (2021) “What truly matters is to move past the breaking point of the waves of our minds and desperate need to know and out into the deeper sea of action, physicality, and existence.”By Emma Ginader More Film ReviewsMore Book Reviews “Gorilla Thinks” Borat 2 (2020) By The Gorilla The Grudge (2020) By The Gorilla The Invisible Man (2020) By The Gorilla More Gorilla Thinks