Sei Hong Cheng: On Blues
“Color will blind us. It will block our senses from the fact, the truth. When you begin eliminating color, you will finally realize what it meant in our daily lives. Blue is lockdown, blue is protection, blue is violence, blue is practice, blue is rusty—blue is love.”
—Sei Hong Cheng
Umbrella (2016)
Tainan, Taiwan
Police (2020)
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Gate (2020)
Kowloon, Hong Kong
A Blue Bag (2020)
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Towels (2020)
Hong Kong
Clothes (2020)
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Fire (2020)
Hong Kong
Sei Hong Cheng is a photographer and an award-winning filmmaker based in Hong Kong and London. He believes that life is like a journey, and what makes it remarkable are those pieces and fragments that come without notice. You can follow his work on