Manya Naranzogt: The Hum of Memories
My Love (2019)
“To me, love is between people, laughing friends, and in the loyal touches of animals. I wanted to convey the love and wonder I have for the natural world and the electric hum that places with memories hold. The cityscape has a distinct loveless feel, the fading forrest always reminds me of a familiar face.”
—Manya Naranzogt
Rush (2019)
Going (2019)
Wonder (2019)
Softest Touch (2019)
“I took this in Santa Cruz on my first acid trip and I was captivated at the loving intimacy between my friend and his boyfriend.
The shot captures their soft touches and protects their identities,
becoming a mash of limbs.”
Equal (2019)
Manya Naranzogt is an interdisciplinary artist that focuses on photography, painting, and sculpture centered on themes of nostalgia and security. As a child, they learned everything about photography from their father who shoots landscape photography in the Mongolian wilderness. Manya often focuses on portraiture or architecture to reflect the inner workings of a subject's psyche and the space they inhabit. At the moment they are developing their own stance on the art world, media platforms, and the power dynamics inherent within them. You can find Manya at